Type of Exercise

Average Lung Capacity

No Exercise 3350 cubic centimeters
Manual Labor 3950 cubic centimeters
Calisthenics 4200 cubic centimeters
Boxing 4800 cubic centimeters
Swimming 4900 cubic centimeters
Karate 6000-7000 cubic centimeters

Kepmo Karate-Do; Universal Art of Self-Defense
By Chitose Tsuyoshi
Research from 1957
As you can see from the chart above, the direct influence that karate-do has on normal breathing is evident in the remarkable increase in lung capacity. It follows that the impact of Karate of the development of healthy breathing is an extremely important matter in terms of the preservation of our health. Protection against breathing related ailments is an extremely important issue. One cannot help but come to the conclusion that Karate-do is an influential defensive measure against them, one of the most important being asthma. Through proper Karate training, asthma can be controlled without inhalers, and many times, the asthma will go away completely.

Non-Tangible Benefits of Karate-Do

  • Improves focus and concentration
  • Improves awareness
  • Develops a positive attitude
  • Relieves stress
  • Improves public speaking
  • Develops self-confidence
  • Learn self-respect and respect for others
  • Learn patience
  • Learn how to persevere

Additional Benefits from Karate-Do Training

  • Raises metabolism
  • Helps with diabetes (keeps sugar low)
  • Helps control high blood pressure
  • Improves muscle tone
  • Improves coordination and timing for different sports
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