My name is Daniel Bugner, and I joined Yoshukai Karate Alliance in 2012 and earned by 1st degree black belt in June 2015. Before karate, I was and still am an avid swimmer, but back in 2012, I was suffering from back and neck pain from focusing on only swimming, as well as loss of balance.

After signing my 2 boys up for Karate, I noticed that the Traditional Japanese training style of Yoshukai Karate was what I needed. The traditional Style of Karate focuses on improving oneself both physically and mentally. This training help improve my balance and strengthen many of the muscles that I hadn’t been using, eliminating my back and neck pain that I was suffering from. The training also help me re-focus my efforts and regain much of self-discipline that I had started to lose.

In the end Yohsukai Karate has helped me become stronger both physically and mentally

Mr. Bugner, Nidan
(2nd degree black belt)

Yoshukai Karate Alliance

Mr. Bugner, Nidan
(2nd degree black belt)

This training help improve my balance and strengthen many of the muscles that I hadn’t been using, eliminating my back and neck pain that I was suffering from. The training also help me re-focus my efforts and regain much of self-discipline that I had started to lose.