Commonly Used

Listed below are several terms used during Yoshukai Karate Alliance training. This list is not exhaustive nor was it meant to be. If you cannot find a term you are looking for please feel free to contact us.


General Terminology  Top

Budo Way of combat
Bunkai Application (interpretation) of kata techniques
Bushi Warrior
Bushido Way of the warrior
Gi Training uniform. Traditionally white.
Hai Yes
Hombu-dojo A term used to refer to the central dojo of an organization
Iie No
Karate Open hand, empty hand
Karate-do the way of the empty hand. This implies not only the physical aspect of karate, but also the mental and social aspects of karate.
Karate-ka A practitioner of karate
Kempo Fist law, a generic term to describe fighting systems that uses the fist
Kiai Spirit shout/focus of spiritual energy
Kihon Basic techniques
Kime Focus
Kobudo Ancient warrior art, referring to weapons training
Kumite Sparring/fighting
Makiwara Punching board or post
Oss A word peculiar to karate; it is used as a form of respectful greeting, yes”, or I understand
Rei Bow
Waza Technique

Commands  Top

Hajime Begin
Shomen-ni-rei Bow to the front
Yame Stop
Yasume Relax (or ready position)
Yoi Ready

Karate Styles  Top

Chito-ryu A Okinawan style of karate developed by Dr. Tsuyoshi Chitose
Shorei-ryu An Okinawan karate system originating in Naha
Shorin-ryu A major style of Okinawan karate meaning “pine forest” school
Yoshukai A traditional Japanese style of karate developed by Mamoru Yamamoto

Dachi (Stance)  Top

Hasami-dachi Scissors stance
Jiyu-dachi Free-fighting stance
Kokutsu-dachi Back stance
Musube-dachi Informal attention stance, feet turned out
Neko-ashi dachi Cat stance
Sanchin-dachi Hour-glass stance
Shiko-dachi Square or wide stance
Shizen-dachi Natural stance
Zenkutsu-dachi Forward or front stance

Uke-Waza (Blocking Techniques)  Top

Chudan-soto uke iddle-outside block
Chudan-uchi uke Middle-inside block
Gedan-uke Down block
Jodan-uke Upper block
Juji-uke Cross-x block
Shuto-uke Knife-hand block
Sokutei-osae-uke Pressing block w/sole
Sokuto-osae-uke Pressing block w/foot edge
Tate shuto uke Vertical knife-hand block
Tsukamai-uke Grasping block

Tsuki-Waza (Punching Techniques)  Top

Gyaku-zuki Reverse punch
Kizami-zuki Jab punch
Mawashi-zuki Roundhouse punch
Morote-zuki Double-fist punch
Oi-zuki Lunge punch
Teisho-zuki Palm-heel punch

Uchi-Waza (Striking Techniques)  Top

Empi-uchi Elbow strike
Haito-uchi Ridge hand strike
Kentsui-uchi Fist-hammer strike
Shuto-uchi Knife hand strike
Uraken-uchi Back fist strike

Nukite-Waza (Spearhand Techniques)  Top

Ippon-nukite One-finger spearhand
Nihon-nukite Two-finger spearhand
Yonhon-nukite Spearhand

Keri-Waza (Kicking Techniques)  Top

Kagi-geri Hook kick
Mae-geri Front kick
Mawashi-geri Roundhouse kick
Mika-zuki-geri Crescent kick
Nidan-mae-geri Double-jump front kick
Ushiro-geri Back kick
Yoko-geri Side kick
Yoko-geri-keage Side snap kick
Yoko-geri-kekomi Side thrust kick
Yoko-tobi-geri Jumping side kick

Kata  Top

Bassai To Penetrate a Fortress
Chinto Fighting to the East
Kusanku Chinese Military Attaché
Mugen Endless
Niseishi Twenty-four Movements
Rohaidai Vision of White Crane
Rohaisho Vision of White Crane
Ryusan Three Dragons
Sanchin Three Conflicts
Sanshiryu Thirty-six Hands
Seisan Crescent Moon
Shihohai Four Directions
Sochin The Grand Prize
Tenshin Body Turning
Zenshinkotai Advance in Turn

Weapons  Top

Bo The bo, also know as a staff, is a long wooden pole typically about 6 feet in length. The bo was used by farmers in Okinawa to herd animals or placed across the shoulders to carry supplies.
Katana The longer of the two swords worn by samurai
Nunchaku A flail like weapon made of two pieces of wood connected by a length of rope or chain.
Sai An Okinawan weapon resembling a handheld pitchfork.
Shinai Bamboo sword
Tonfa A farm tool developed into a weapon by the Okinawans

Ranking  Top

Kyu Rank below Shodan (1st degree black belt)
Mudansha Students without black-belt ranking
Dan Level or degree of black belt rank.
Yudansha Black-belt practitioners of any degree
Shodan First degree black belt
Nidan Second degree black belt
Sandan Third degree black belt
Yondan Fourth degree black belt
Godan Fifth degree black belt
Rokudan Sixth degree black belt
Shichidan Seventh degree black belt
Hachidan Eighth degree black belt
Kudan Ninth degree black belt
Judan Tenth degree black belt
Renshi Entry Level Master
Shihan A formal title meaning master or master instructor, a teacher of teachers
Hanshi Master, an honorary title given to the highest black belt of an organization

Japanese Counting  Top

Ichi One
Ni Two
San Three
Shi Four
Go Five
Roku Six
Shichi Seven
Hachi Eight
Ku Nine
Ju Ten