Where do I begin? Karate has changed me in many ways. Let’s start with strength. Strength can come in the form of physically and mentally. For me, karate has given me both.
If someone would attack me, l spring into action and defend myself until I am safe from harm. I don’t feel like a weak child, but feel like a strong man ready to take on the world! Then there is mental strength. A person’s mind over the body can help you through many things. Your mind is your decision maker. While your body can physically do a lot, your brain tells you what to do. Karate has taught me to keep from boasting, to not lash out in anger and, to respect others; that is mental strength. Those two together is what makes strength. Those two together is what makes strength an important factor of my life.
Next is respect. Respect is something that belongs to everything, even if it doesn’t appear to, everyone deserves respect, your peers, your family and teachers. Not just school teachers, everyone like Sensei’s. They deserve much respect because they are the reason you are learning karate.
Karate has given me more hope in myself so I can be kinder and more respectful. I think that the golden rule should be applied to everything. Treat others the way you want others to treat you. Karate helps me with that. That is another big thing that will play out in my life.
The last thing is perseverance. The dictionary definition of perseverance is steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Now that is definitely important to some aspects of my life. For my karate tests I have practiced and practiced to pass. Those practices have gotten me to where I am now.
Testing for black belt. When people say, “How does that fit in with karate?” Well first off our karate Gi’s say Nintai, which means perseverance, on the back. I also use perseverance in everyday life. That is perseverance. That will also help me in my life.
In conclusion karate has given me many things like strength, respect, and perseverance through many tasks. In our dojo beliefs it says to use these beliefs in the dojo and in everyday life. That is what I’m going to do with all of the stuff l have learned in karate. Thank you Sensei Dugan and Dugan Sensei!
Mr. Wyatt Crutcher, Shodan
(1st degree black belt)
Mr. Wyatt Crutcher, Shodan
(1st degree black belt)