To start, Yoshukai has helped me in many different ways. Yoshukai has taught me how to build up my confidence. Now it is easier to stand up to bullies that I normally would have shied away from. Through training and testing, I now am able to stand up in front of the class and present my work when necessary. That was a huge struggle for me. Yoshukai also helps mewith controlling my breathing. Breathing is an enormous part of Yoshukai. Breathing helps make your moves more powerful. I have become a better athlete because of Yoshukai. My balanceand coordination have both improved. It’s hard to imagine what my life would be like if I hadn’t started my karate training. I wouldn’t be where I am right now mentally or physically. Yoshukai has taught me how my mind can tell me how to fight through the pain. You can accomplish anything if you tell your mind to do it. If you tell your mind NO, NO I can’t do this you’re right, you probably won’t. Dugan Sensei said to the class once, your mind controls your body, if you tell it you CAN’T do something then the mind won’t do it. But if you tell your mind Yes I CAN do it, your body willfollow your mind. When I first started my training anytime I was told No, that’s incorrect or someone raised their voice at me, I used to get really upset. I now feel like I’ve developed “Thicker Skin” and I’m not as sensitive as I was. I know I still have a long journey yet but that is what Yoshukai is, continually improving! And finally, Yoshukai has help me realize that everything we do in karate, is for a reason. Nothing is handed to us, just like in life, you have to work for it!
Ms. Faith Eckhardt, Shodan
(1st degree black belt)
Ms. Faith Eckhardt, Shodan
(1st degree black belt)